interview about the "Universal Set Top Box EWMS HT 100 / HT EWMS 500
Interview with Heiko judge of "platform for Internet television in Zwickau (Saxony) -
question Mr. Richter, the "Media Conference Central Germany" in Leipzig for the first time you have the prototype of the "Universal Set Top Box EWMS HT 100 / EWMS HT 500 "presented. How far was the response?
Answer: The response was very encouraging. The object of desire has been evaluated in disbelief. You could see that it worked for many people. From a small company like ours can not expect such a novel product. If the box came from a manufacturer with a corresponding brand name, the box would have been a subject that would have gone through the general press. For us, the media response was more reserved, but they were also.
* Question: What is the most important function of this box?
Answer: When we last year's interview on "How I ask myself the best Internet TV box before? "Led, I have already given many answers. A direct primary function is not, there are many more functions that are combined in one device. When EWMS HT 100, we have tried to integrate everything on the Internet and TV in a set top box. So you can play streamed Web content, as well as On-Demand Services and Peer to peer services. It will be integrated online video stores and online video recorder and it will be some other features that are known from the Internet, in the box to find, for example, direct shopping and community elements. The entire box is back channel by connecting to the Internet by nature and we can also apply to the television perform with the box a rate measurement. EWMS The HT 500 also has facilities for receiving DVB - T / C / S/S2. This means you need to buy at a possible move is not a new device. Basic aim was to bring TV content regardless of transmission on the local TV. Of course you can also listen to web radio.
question: What are your hopes for this box?
Answer: The trend in the future, meaning that Internet and television converge. This could also listen to the "Media Conference Central Germany" by specialists.
The EWMS boxes we are one step further, because with these We have completed the merging of already. Our hope is that the box and the principle of dealing in the market. Our system is kept open and is constantly evolving. We combine our boxes in addition to other manufacturers to develop devices based on our own technology and manufacturing. A licensing system is possible. Shall be defined in advance interfaces and standards between providers and hardware and software manufacturers. This ultimately helps everyone.
question: Who is this box interesting?
Answer: Actually, for anyone who wants to buy a new, future-proof device. Ultimately one has a full HD-capable box.
the many features we put in the box into place, but also assumes a minimum of technical understanding. While we try everything as simple as possible to keep, but you should have some basic knowledge. The operation of the EWMS boxes but will be easier, like go to a web page on the PC. We will also respond to the wishes of the audience and optimize the software. I for one would buy the box immediately.
Question: Can I transfer with this box and clips of video platforms on the Internet on the screen of a television?
Answer: In theory, the box is capable of all video content play from the Web. This puts us but the copyrights limitations. Currently we are negotiating with various suppliers, but this is not always easy, as we surrender certain parameters for incorporation into the box need. As the box comes with a remote control, the developer must all keyboard and mouse commands to adjust so that they obtained using the remote control.
Who is a supplier and then from the beginning will be there, can feel free to contact us. We welcome every provider is whether or pay TV or free TV?? We find a solution.
In the future there be a programming kit, where each design can plug ins to add their own content into the box. For
Internet TV provider, we are on the side want a page where you can register its Internet TV stream, or contributions. For this, we are the new standards, which are currently set by the IPTV set-dressing, as a basis.
is interesting here, perhaps, that we tap the satellite channels but not directly managed via database. This means the audience does not need to take care of Neuaufschaltungen. New channels are just there and you do not scan everything to start.
Question: In what film quality can be transferred contributions to the box to TV devices?
Answer: The quality of the Contribution or the program depends in principle on the sender of the signal. On the hardware side, however, all boxes are HD-capable. If a video is only available in low resolution, the box can only play it in this resolution. From a donkey of course you can not make a racehorse. If the raw material is in HD (such as in to get the full benefit of quality. I believe, is here, but also supply side in the years to do. I think with stamps video is more in the future, no pot to win.
question: Can the box of the laity in computer and TV are connected?
Answer: I see this as no big Problem. The box is pre-configured by default. One puts down the EWMS box and connects them to the TV. Then combines them with its satellite system, or DVB-T antenna or its cable connection (HT 500). Then connect the box to your home network via cable or wireless. Then you can turn on the box. Now she goes into the base operating condition and is operational in the basic functions. More is not to do.
If you want to enjoy the full range of functions, it is necessary that one user then. This in turn has many advantages. Every viewer can put together the box and the functions themselves according to their wishes and interests. Similarly, the protection of minors taken into account and the payment function can be enabled to shop via the box, for example, a shopping channel with the remote control. With the User setting, anyone can put his favorite stations on the numeric keypad. I can well imagine that this is for mother, father, daughter and son certainly quite different. More User-related functions are also being discussed.
question: What does measurement rate and why this function has been integrated with?
Answer: Currently the rate measurement is carried out by GfK. This system is financed by the major public broadcasters and private broadcasters and it works very well for this. This system is for small and central station not so good, since the territorial expansion, for example, not by local broadcasters may be represented in the measuring range. Here offer an alternative EWMS boxes. With these it is possible to detect even smaller areas. Especially for small providers, it is present a very existential question audiences credible. Since non-public broadcasting stations all stations depending on the advertising, audience figures for the financing of the station are necessary.
are of course carried out the measurements and evaluations as part of the strict German data protection regulations. For this, we will review the system from a public Datenschutzbeauftragtem and make it available to volunteer for this at any time. It therefore needs no one to be afraid, of deposited data arrives in rogue hands.
This feature, however, we contribute to ensuring that there will continue to be a rich free TV offer.
question: How much does the box and where can I buy it?
Answer: An exact price is still not fixed. This decision depends on many factors that we do not know until the last. It will amount but under the existing devices on the market. From
period, it is equally difficult to make a statement. Last week we passed a field test to start to optimize the hardware and software. This is the precursor of a production.
For people who can not wait, but the possibility exists for this field test to participate. Since we are a small company, however, and all EWMS boxes must be made by hand, it is necessary that must be taken by the tester hardware costs. These are located at approximately 1000 €. Given that similar Media Center PCs are much higher in price, this is a reasonable offer. Anyone who is interested to participate can feel free to contact us. Of course, the hardware after the payment of the fee expense of his property. However, one should always remember that this is a test and not yet a perfected, finished product.
Questions by the Wiesbaden-based journalist and operator of the Weblogs and
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Monday, May 5, 2008
Cannot Uninstall Premiere Pro 1.5
World first: Universal Set Top Box EWMS
Leipzig / Zwickau (Internet-TV-from-az) - On the occasion of the "media meeting place central Germany in Leipzig as the", the portal for Internet TV from Zwickau - - the first time on its stand the prototype of the "Universal Set Top Box EWMS HT 100 / HT EWMS 500. The EWMS HT 100-Box of "" as a receiver for free TV / video services thought from the Internet. It was designed for HD and SD content.
is in the basic model the possibility of playing:
- streaming Web TV channels / web radio stations
- On Demand Services
- Online Video Rental
- Online video recorders
- future offerings, in the TV Facilities are located
- own media files
It is also possible to community access. All boxes are network-ready. In the superior equipment EWMS-HT 500 also, the DVB standard (T/S/S2/C) fitted with.
In contrast to existing providers associated IPTV boxes that offer free boxes EWMS sellers the possibility of their content on the national TV show independently of a PC.
EWMS The boxes are suitable for pay and free TV. The construction of the boxes also makes a temporary activation of pay-TV channels is possible. This can be done, for example, in addition to the pay-TV packages via IPTV. Hereby created for pay-TV operators a completely new business.
The peculiarity of this box, however, lies in the fact that each program provider, a back channel can be offered, with which it can interact with the audience. This can, for example, voting, purchases, games and much more. The return channel is independent of the forward channel and can therefore with all are transmission (DVB-T/S/S2/C) coupled.
is also carried out by the box in combination with a specific server application, a rate measurement. This is broken down in detail for B transmission resolution and more. With the approval of the audience and in compliance with data protection, the measurement can even be personalized. This is just small and medium-sized companies that are not considered by the GRP, where an interesting research tool in the hand.
All EWMS boxes of the IPTV Association developed standards are being implemented to date. In order for a maximum compatibility.
The Box is built on Windows-based. Thus, the inclusion of other applications in compliance with the interfaces is possible. For manufacturers of set top boxes, there is the possibility of a software licensing.
At the booth of "" on the "Media Conference Central Germany" is in addition to detailed information on "itself, television advertising information on the project total. This product line is a special and affordable application for industrial and commercial establishments for the presentation of products, services and more in HD on one or more monitors. With this software, various video formats, Audio formats, graphics formats and websites, playlist control, will be played. The software contains an editor to create their own billboards. Thus, each individual program to be put together
With an online connection, the possibility of all the contents of "" is to involve in a free election. The online system can also be controlled remotely. It is therefore possible that several customers can be provided from a central location with content.
A focus on the status of "" is also displaying high definition content in "on the Web. Here you can see for yourself, with examples of what quality the current state of the art in the Web possible.
For "" Visitors are very welcome on the stand.
Media City Leipzig
"Media Conference Central Germany"
Altenburger Straße 15
04275 Leipzig "is an Internet television provider, since September 2006 in full TV resolution, and from January 2008, increasingly in HD to 15 channels input and provides free broadcasts very successful. Currently has "hit" an average growth of viewers from 10% -30% a month. "has set from the beginning to the DivX technology. Thus, "against most internal-TV offers a higher image quality, the classic television and that these sometimes beyond. As of December 2007 "with the DivX Connected box has made the jump from computer to the living room. This set top box is ISP-independent and there are except the acquisition cost or monthly fees. "" currently provides free of cost to over 1100 articles and broadcasts between 20 seconds and one hour. From October 2007 these are also partially multilingual, and interactive - similar to a DVD (not the web player).
The first presented in May 2008 proprietary Universal Set Top Box offers EWMS "is also a hardware solution that is open to all TV-Internet activities.
to "hit" belongs next to its headquarters in the Saxon town of Zwickau currently five outdoor Studios (Berlin, Brandenburg, Thuringia, Dresden, Vogtland). Others are in preparation. Overall "of more than 40 suppliers will be supplied with content. Monthly, with new providers.
The meaning of "" in the IPTV landscape reflects the nomination of "" at the 1st German IPTV Award in the category - Best business model - again - - is a project of the company Media Service Loh - Zwickau
Leipzig / Zwickau (Internet-TV-from-az) - On the occasion of the "media meeting place central Germany in Leipzig as the", the portal for Internet TV from Zwickau - - the first time on its stand the prototype of the "Universal Set Top Box EWMS HT 100 / HT EWMS 500. The EWMS HT 100-Box of "" as a receiver for free TV / video services thought from the Internet. It was designed for HD and SD content.
is in the basic model the possibility of playing:
- streaming Web TV channels / web radio stations
- On Demand Services
- Online Video Rental
- Online video recorders
- future offerings, in the TV Facilities are located
- own media files
It is also possible to community access. All boxes are network-ready. In the superior equipment EWMS-HT 500 also, the DVB standard (T/S/S2/C) fitted with.
In contrast to existing providers associated IPTV boxes that offer free boxes EWMS sellers the possibility of their content on the national TV show independently of a PC.
EWMS The boxes are suitable for pay and free TV. The construction of the boxes also makes a temporary activation of pay-TV channels is possible. This can be done, for example, in addition to the pay-TV packages via IPTV. Hereby created for pay-TV operators a completely new business.
The peculiarity of this box, however, lies in the fact that each program provider, a back channel can be offered, with which it can interact with the audience. This can, for example, voting, purchases, games and much more. The return channel is independent of the forward channel and can therefore with all are transmission (DVB-T/S/S2/C) coupled.
is also carried out by the box in combination with a specific server application, a rate measurement. This is broken down in detail for B transmission resolution and more. With the approval of the audience and in compliance with data protection, the measurement can even be personalized. This is just small and medium-sized companies that are not considered by the GRP, where an interesting research tool in the hand.
All EWMS boxes of the IPTV Association developed standards are being implemented to date. In order for a maximum compatibility.
The Box is built on Windows-based. Thus, the inclusion of other applications in compliance with the interfaces is possible. For manufacturers of set top boxes, there is the possibility of a software licensing.
At the booth of "" on the "Media Conference Central Germany" is in addition to detailed information on "itself, television advertising information on the project total. This product line is a special and affordable application for industrial and commercial establishments for the presentation of products, services and more in HD on one or more monitors. With this software, various video formats, Audio formats, graphics formats and websites, playlist control, will be played. The software contains an editor to create their own billboards. Thus, each individual program to be put together
With an online connection, the possibility of all the contents of "" is to involve in a free election. The online system can also be controlled remotely. It is therefore possible that several customers can be provided from a central location with content.
A focus on the status of "" is also displaying high definition content in "on the Web. Here you can see for yourself, with examples of what quality the current state of the art in the Web possible.
For "" Visitors are very welcome on the stand.
Media City Leipzig
"Media Conference Central Germany"
Altenburger Straße 15
04275 Leipzig "is an Internet television provider, since September 2006 in full TV resolution, and from January 2008, increasingly in HD to 15 channels input and provides free broadcasts very successful. Currently has "hit" an average growth of viewers from 10% -30% a month. "has set from the beginning to the DivX technology. Thus, "against most internal-TV offers a higher image quality, the classic television and that these sometimes beyond. As of December 2007 "with the DivX Connected box has made the jump from computer to the living room. This set top box is ISP-independent and there are except the acquisition cost or monthly fees. "" currently provides free of cost to over 1100 articles and broadcasts between 20 seconds and one hour. From October 2007 these are also partially multilingual, and interactive - similar to a DVD (not the web player).
The first presented in May 2008 proprietary Universal Set Top Box offers EWMS "is also a hardware solution that is open to all TV-Internet activities.
to "hit" belongs next to its headquarters in the Saxon town of Zwickau currently five outdoor Studios (Berlin, Brandenburg, Thuringia, Dresden, Vogtland). Others are in preparation. Overall "of more than 40 suppliers will be supplied with content. Monthly, with new providers.
The meaning of "" in the IPTV landscape reflects the nomination of "" at the 1st German IPTV Award in the category - Best business model - again - - is a project of the company Media Service Loh - Zwickau
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