Monday, November 16, 2009
Broken Capillaries And Weight Training
hospital construction: Island area instead Tiefenau
BZ reported from 16:11:09: The discussion about the planned new hospital is in a new round. Grand Council Wilf Gasser requested by motion that the island area is considered as an alternative location.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
How To Unblock Runescaoe
BZ reported on the federal government and organized by the VBG Teacher Education panel discussion at the University of Bern. Conclusion: Really they are not dangerous ...
Toaster Oven That Does Not Get Hot On The Outside
"There is no value-neutral Education
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openness: EPP Grossrat Willfried Gasser (Photo: Urs Baumann)
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Criticism of the compatibility of faith and teaching is becoming louder. For the greatest discontent makes the fear that proselytizing evangelical teachers could. The Swiss Protestant Alliance, whose president, you are placed himself behind the teachers. Why? Willfried Gasser: We are committed to integrated for a faith which is in connection with everyday, talk to the family life, personal integrity, social commitment and the profession. We do not want a faith that focuses as a religious ritual at the church. The faith should permeate the life. There can of course lead to problems. Especially in school, if not the wise will be addressed and some Christians try to impose their beliefs other. But I am assuming that this is a small minority.
is so small, the group apparently did not like the results of a current National Science Foundation project at the Bern University of Education show. Especially the strategic organization of the Free Churchmen is identified here as a problem. There you are eating up a conspiracy theory. It is not true that free Kirchler "push" at the College of Education. As a member of the "Head of the Conference of the Free Churches' I know that this has never been in any way an issue. But if you look back historically, Christians have shown over the centuries, much community involvement. The Christian element was represented accordingly has always strongly in education. The so-called "Fischli Group" is not a new element. There was always an above average high proportion of professing Christians in the social sector.
Many students and teachers more loudly express but your problems with the "Free Churchmen" in schools. So what do you attribute this? First, an important correction. The Free Churches are a very colorful Association, and is also professing Christians in the churches. \u0026lt;Die> Free Churchmen so there's not really. As the Evangelical Alliance, we encourage people to be more community outreach, and we want to sensitize the people that the faith out into society. This conviction is now represented by many independent churches. Probably not all the necessary wisdom to deal with dissenters. So it may well be that students perceive the clashing world views as a problem, but that's not so new.
runs Where is precisely the boundary between faith and proselytizing in the classroom? I do not think you can draw a sharp line. Faith is ultimately a statement. Any teacher, whether politically shaped green or very social, which is expressed. There are no value-neutral education. When I look back at my school, so I knew pretty well, for what the individual teachers are admitted, because what they were, has been incorporated. This is no different from Christians. It is therefore not possible, black and white borders to define. be discussed at a teacher training college, the stress fields on the basis of a model would have to open. It is good when students argue about certain issues. Especially in regard to cultural mixing.
here is yes but not just an attitude that someone takes. As the example of the evolution theory shows, evangelicals bothered to teach science. The group of Christians who reject the whole theory of evolution is very small. Most important is the creation of the belief that there is a God, who created the world and continues to be a relationship with us humans studied. That makes me out of the faith. Creation is not automatically in conflict with the theory of evolution. But where someone wants to explain away with Darwinism, the Creator, of course, this provokes devout Christians, and they point out that the theory of evolution can not answer all questions.
They argue not unrealistic? If such beliefs be incorporated into the mainstream curriculum, but must inevitably lead to friction with the science? I the science in my training had not experienced negative. It takes a certain humility on both sides. The tension is there and could increase further if, for example, increasingly, Muslim teachers at the school . Come But I think that every teacher can tell hinstehen and convinced of what he believes. No matter what faith he belongs. To say what one believes and the reasons for that, I think it is important for every person. And as teachers we have now once a certain character. Parents have this, too. I believe fundamentally that Christian values can bring in a lot of positives in the classroom. This has been partly so as humanistic values. The problem is a certain absolute claims that Christianity has always been. That to live in everyday life without the oppressive for others will be, challenging.
Should we expand the teaching of religion and lift on a scientific level? beliefs are also incorporated into the scientific work, but you have the layers in the school do not mix. The understanding of the world religions is very important. Moreover, it is equally important that people know their own roots. If you compare our culture with others, are worlds apart. I believe that we in Switzerland of Christianity as a dominant culture continues to need care. The better I know my own culture, the better I understand the other religions. But it must not degenerate into fanaticism.
The connection between faith and teaching you think is a problem? is what we have by now proven for centuries. On the contrary, a healthy faith belief fertilize the instruction of a teacher's positive.
the current discussion is therefore obsolete? I see it as an opportunity for educational institutions, is confident to deal with these questions, because Switzerland is a multicultural not over it. But much of it is very hyped and will pass. (Berner Zeitung)
Created: 06.06.2009, 13:30 clock