Interview with Heiko Richter , together with Jana Lohse one of the makers of "portal for Internet TV -
question: does your honor, no one Today, all television stations and Internet broadcasters in Germany. Is this vast huge selection to the audience a blessing or a curse?
Answer: It is in the eye of the beholder. There are surveys that most people generally about 20 to 30 stations check back frequently. 20 years ago it was relatively easy because there was only a very limited number of stations. In this day and age that is of course different. Each transmitter is therefore considered that it binds to the audience. This can be, for example, very specific content such as programs or division in a very local relation as for local stations. It's not a whole are more viewers, so the "customer" viewers a hotly courted Good for each transmitter are. I think the odds of major return broadcasters in favor of the many small ones. Street sweepers in the 70's and 80-ies there is no more. The advantage of the many channels of course, is that the selection of larger and there is something for every taste. One can imagine this: if on the breakfast table is only one kind of sausage and cheese as a species, most will rely on it. But if there are ten varieties of sausage and ten kinds of cheese, caviar, nougat cream, honey and cornflakes on the table, the selection will be more differentiated, which does not mean that the first type of sausage and the first type of cheese is worse. Many will fall back out of habit.
Question: TV shows today are via satellite dish, cable TV, internet and electrical outlet in the house. Which technology will prevail?
Answer: I will pass on the response to a very hot topic, as I say, the Internet TV. Certainly no one can imagine today and it will take some time. However, it is the only logical conclusion. There seems to be so already, as all means of transmission, including satellite dish, cable TV, electrical outlet, in theory, and some are practical Internet-ready. I think there will be a development process, until it sells well and the classical operators of the transmission will be not enthusiastic, since it threatens their market position. I see, for example, DVB-T or the current mobile TV as an absolute aberration, as the network provider to mutate to program suppliers. If the money was being invested in total and would put in a nationwide infrastructure of a broadband internet coverage, you could easily watch TV via public hot spots on the phone or with a connection in each house only but also to the entire Internet. The trouble is that then all other means of transmission for television obsolete.
question: do lay Decide a simple technique. However, experts tend to make technology more complicated. Is also in television - as in video recorders - the risk that the service will soon be annoying?
Answer: Unfortunately yes, and even in Germany there is a tendency to complicate everything. There are examples not only in television but also elsewhere. Prime example is the toll system, in other countries just tin shacks made of the road and personnel used to cash in, in Germany it must be supported by satellite and of course insanely expensive. Back to television. It is known that about 70-80% of people are not able to program their video recorders. The give the industry something to think about. We try to hit therefore to go the way of making it as simple as possible. Everyone should quickly find what they want to see, which will also apply to future versions as a principle. Likewise, our future will look like box. With us there is no DRM, and everything is always free of charge, meaning a VCR is obsolete. I think the only way to exist also in the future television market. With too much more complicated and standardized technology, the viewers the desire to lose the power. Television has not only with the Internet is a tough competition, too many things to lure viewers away from television sets. Since it is not useful when a program can not be drawn on, so you can can enjoy time-shifted, and the rigid demarcation of the supplier through its own tailored to their transmission boxes.
Question: In Germany, starting more and more Internet television stations, which offer an entertaining and informative program for free. What are the advantages and disadvantages of these Web TV channel?
Answer: In principle, all the channels an enrichment of the television landscape. Each of these stations will also find viewers and I think that this development is important and right. Sooner or later, however, is a process used where separates the wheat from the chaff, as the economy, a Role. Through the Internet, although the transfer costs are lower, but the production requires a certain know-how, technical equipment and of course the necessary capital. Everyone can
Although now relatively easy to set an Internet TV channel, but in my opinion are alliances and collaboration on a platform such as effective. We now have nearly 30 vendors of content. This collaboration has the advantage that the providers can concentrate on the production and of course a greater variety of programs a synergistic effect. Who hit looking for B.über discovered a message, perhaps even with "model train" in, while he sees the garden show and then tell the neighbors, look at this purely from because it is a beautiful garden show and then continues the chain and all benefit.
Question: In addition to many free to air television broadcasts, there is always more for which we should pay something. How do you assess the interest in such pay channels?
Answer: I do not think about it much, if not a real value behind it. The viewers are invited been enough to pay. Starting from the forced Pay for public-law calls, cable charges up to the Internet, everything costs money. Now, when programs are encrypted, which are financed by advertising, many Viewers do not do anything with us. " This is both an opportunity for small and non-encrypted channel, on the other hand, pay-TV offerings provide real benefit
premium content like this. MTV has already once in the 90 years he brought with encryption a bloody nose and cut back the entire project in one or two years. Interestingly there are on-demand portals, where can I download a specific movie or other special content. However, I say this as a DRM-opponents, it should also be such as is bought bought. This content should then be flammable and not only on the computer where I downloaded it, run.
good chance I see for real expensive purchased premium content, such as football and other sporting events or very recent films. This appeal to specific target groups who have a hobby and every hobby now costs even more or less €. I'm going to do now, while many enemies, but a league is, in my view, for example, not on public service broadcasting remit of primary care, but the pay TV
Question: operator of an Internet television station, producer, cameraman and television viewers in Personnel Union. How would you like the television of the future?
answer: to say a word - simple.
As part of the networking of vehicles, household appliances, public and private spaces will sooner or later, every technical device with an IP address and have a display. Think further one is no longer just the TV or a device on the PC where you can view television offerings. Each car is so capable TV. In the kitchen the refrigerator or the washing machine in the course of the linkages be connected to the Internet and is a potential "TV" especially in public areas, such as waiting rooms, you can watch TV just like at home. With personalization, you can see on the Internet to anywhere in the world his personal program. However, I fear that even then the GEZ fee washing machine and refrigerator rises. Here, then, the policy is already in demand in time to prevent the turning of the screw fees on time.
I wish is that television remains free of charge as an important asset for the spectators, that ad-supported. The advertisement should come to fit in better but the overall picture of the program and target group-oriented. Some commercials I look too happy today, because of they are funny or just beautiful. This is how fun and advertising sense. Each operator of a television station should be in a position of the viewer. This will see his program as it comes to him does not really matter, the content of the program is crucial.
Questions by Ernst Probst, who runs the weblog "Internet TV from A to Z" -
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