Interview with Heiko Richter, together with Jana Loh's one of the makers of the Internet TV station hit - - in Zwickau (Saxony)

* Question: What is an Internet TV channel?
Answer: Actually you could answer the question very simply by saying:
An Internet television is a provider of the television signal over the distribution channel Internet makes available to the viewer.
But the answer is more complex. In advance you should answer the following questions: What is a TV station
As the Internet used for?
What is television?
Let's start with the first question. The classic television station sends a signal that can be received simultaneously by many viewers. There are several pathways, one of them is the Internet.
In addition you also know the on-demand television. Here, the audience decides what to watch and when. This is no longer sent classic, but it offered television content.
the difference one can imagine. The conventional television represents a train. You may enter at one point and get a point. The distance can the train and the arrival and departure times do not affect you. Quite different with the television on demand. This can be compared to the cars. Here you determine route, start time and end itself
The second question deals with the ways of transmission. Some providers feeding signals into the Internet, usually only by special hardware (set-top boxes) can be evaluated. Here the Internet is indeed used as a conduit, but normal Internet users can not view these programs without this special box. Of providers of these closed systems is often appropriated the term IPTV. However, this is objectively wrong, as is generally used for all Internet transfers the IP (Internet Protocol). Another form is the free-access television offerings. These are accessible to everyone and differ only technically and as described above.
Very important in my view, the third question. What is television? The technical development makes it possible today that can be created with little financial outlay a technically good picture. Already under 1000 € you get Full HD camcorder, the content can be used with some skill and on the Internet. But although the technical parameters are met, this is not a tendon but remote video. Here I see as a distinguishing feature of the qualifications held by manufacturing. TV makes my opinions more than technical data of the camera and computer with editing software. Nowadays, you can do with a 500 € camcorder television, but also produce a 100 000 euro camcorder video only trash. What matters here is the quality of composition, the subject implementation, the composition, the editing, the setting of the overall assembly and other parameters. As the chaff is separated from the wheat. Not for nothing are many television programs and occupations is not for nothing are high-quality production work of smaller or larger teams.
sum up that Internet television stations, the first definition is already correct, you should define the different sub-concepts as well.
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