Interview with Heiko Richter on the future of "HD"
Interview with Heiko Richter, together with Jana Loh's one of the makers of Internet television "hit - - in Zwickau (Saxony)
* Question: Mr. Richter, the television station Sat.1 "and" ProSieben "put more emphasis on the wide screen 16:9 format and on 16 Listed February 2008, the distribution of the 2005 free to air channels Sat.1 HD and ProSieben HD via satellite, cable and DSL temporarily until 2010. What does this mean for the audience in?
Answer: I personally feel this is an absolute step backward in development. Germany is in terms of "HD" in global terms behind. Considering the trend, is the following. The "HD" Start at "ProSieben and Sat.1" took place in 2005. But at that time were no receivers in the German market. The first came early in 2006 at a price that was not suitable for mass production. Meanwhile, the market has developed slowly, however, HD satellite receivers are now eg "Anixe HD" for 119 €, the price of high definition television interesting. The trip can be compared so with an apple tree that was planted some time ago and was also cast to date, hard-working. Now that the first fruits on the tree lit up, the water is too expensive and allow the trees dry up.
Although there are indications of "Sat.1" and "ProSieben" only 150,000 viewers, they are naturally penalized because they are with the purchase of an HD satellite or cable receiver, the person concerned. The group, which is one of the dominant company can afford to appear to upset 150,000 spectators. Service provides viewers, in my view is somewhat different, especially since been denied a few days a report on the isolation of the HD channels yet. Even in economic terms, I can understand the decision, not because the content is already purchased. Just last Wednesday started three new seasons of known series in "HD" to "ProSieben". With a billion dollar company should, however, the transfer costs are not reflected as significant. Here is my opinion, was made economically short-sighted decision which, although currently may save costs, but the guidelines established in 2005 market advantage destroys. In addition, however, should be decided by the shareholders.
It also means providing more extensive engagement in the whole market. At the IFA 2007, it was found that the largest growth market for plasma and LCD televisions could be observed. Here, all buyers of such a device be offended. Why should I use a Full HD or HD-ready TV now, if there is only a linear channel, which broadcasts in "HD" ad-supported program. The tendency for high-definition satellite receiver price drop will likely be stopped by the shutdown. Developments will be determined and set by the manufacturers on ice. While nations such as USA television (eg, "NBC") and Brazil is being driven (eg, "Globo"), "HD" by the big stations, leaving the one pioneered in Germany, the relatively small provider "Anixe HD". The same goes for the public broadcasters want to send until 2010 in "HD". "One Extra "will indeed be tested as at Easter in his program" send HD ", but again with good will would be more in it. For the ER-transmitters are available at: a petition, which she calls the HD coverage to begin more remains to be feared, but that the ER-Channel to use the development for the next fee increase be justified.
* Question: What advantages does "HD" (High Definition = High Definition Television)?
Answer: Anyone who has "HD" enjoyed want to miss it anymore. Examples can be from "hit" see. Since January 2008 we increased contributions in SD and HD quality online. This is on the PC monitor yet so obviously visible, if one considers the contribution to an HD flat screen TV, the difference is to see serious. The data set is in "HD" about three times as high as in the "SD". Details are just more visible. Does the SD image slightly blurred, so is the HD picture sharper and the colors are intense and reflections do not appear to be in SD only as a white dot. Who does not believe it can even with the entertainment retailer convince.
Question: Does your Internet TV "" continue to HDTV?
Answer: Now more than ever, because for HD enthusiasts, "" now with "Anixe HD" as the only free provider, high-definition content in Germany. (Me no one is known). The "DivX Connected box which is known to HD-capable, you have a low cost alternative to pay-TV services. Not only the contributions of "" so you can see in "HD" with the box you have a gateway to the international world of HD via "Stage6". Here you will find countless HD content. These run through the entire television range and are free of advertising. You can play music, Documentaries, film trailers, manga, nature and underwater shots, even the carnival in Rio in HD quality for free and without ads. If you have the DivX Connected box, the shutdown of "Sat1 HD and ProSieben HD will be alleviated somewhat. In addition, we plan
with "has its own linear program, of course, in" HD ". Once the necessary investors are found (if one reads this, he may like to report), we will start with it. Until then, we will invest in HD-capable recording and broadcasting technology and develop our on demand service with high-definition offerings.
But it does not always have a HD TV channels be. For professionals we have developed a cost effective solution that they make as in restaurants and stores, etc. HD content to the guests and customers near. Currently, we install the first system in practice. Everyone can have their own HD programming.
question: What television sets to receive broadcasts in HD?
Answer: It can be used all the TV sets the label "HD Ready" or "Full HD" for viewing HD content. This however is one (or more) HD devices. This can be HD DVD / BlayDVD players, HD satellite / cable receiver or the "DivX Connected box. You will be connected via HDMI to the TV.
The DVD players have to think to the purchasing price in mind that cost the Blue Ray and HD-DVDs and money. In the satellite / cable area, there are at Premiere HD pay-TV channels. On free TV, there are currently only channel "Anixe HD, apart from the" Astra test channel. When "DivX Connected box" there is a wide selection of free content in "and" Stage6 ". Currently, this is the cheapest way a wide range of HD content to enjoy.
The questions for the interview, the Wiesbaden-based journalist Ernst Probst, owner of the Blogs and