two-track terminal station with a terminal loop and a siding. (Ausbaufähig.) The two tracks of the head station I have different colors. When a train from one track from it sooner or later on in the other.

In the roll I have choices. If you turn on them, the train rounds inside. Is he set the course straight through, he is irrevocably on the road terminus.
One can also take the fun times and switch to one of the double slip switches to the intersections.
inside the S is, of course, something pulled from the track geometry, but it was really only slightly, perhaps 4 mm. Anyway, I took in Wintrack not even "bend" tracks begin with, it was in the tolerance of the normal command ver-/entknüpfen track ends. "
To build this roll, I have already planned to buy the 3 pairs for 10 straight points.
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