" GO TV ": A satisfied partner of" Hit TV "
Interview with Thomas Reinke, along with one of the Ute Schandert two creators of the Internet TV station TV-LOS -
http://www.los-tv.de - in Brieskow-Finkenheerd (Brandenburg)
Question: Mr. Reinke, your internet television "LOS-TV presents remarkable films from the Oder-Spree. Which themes to address your mail?
Answer: Hello and good day here, the Oder-Spree, right on the Polish border. Diesel currently costs 1.05 euros. The production cost of the contributions that does not keep in check.
Well, we produce once a week the Regiocam. This is a magazine review of current issues in the region, the current in the week have taken place. Plus, there's an extra contribution to a specific theme, usually an event.
here in our area, rural area, cable connections are not widespread. There is only the bowl or the Internet. And into this gap, we encounter pure and offer people interesting information from the 2 and 3 Series. Self Regional dropouts from a variety of reasons provides "LOS-TV" appropriate information platform, true to the motto 'Let's see what was going on at home. "
* Question: What is the basis of the fleet and enjoyable short company name "LOS TV"?
Answer: The short answer is, we have our license plates "LOS ..." used as a template for it. With "LOS" can everyone what to do and is easily found in the search engines. When we asked how our availability, and no business card to hand lying there, then there is only the answer: search engine and then "GO TV". That should work.
Question: The program offers "LOS-TV" is the so-called "Village Tour". What does this?
Answer: The village tour is not yet fully populated. Here are short articles are presented in the 5 municipalities of our ministry. This may be self-made videos of the audience or produced by us contributions. Here we are still at the beginning.
* Question: Currently focused "LOS-TV" on the Brandenburg Oder-Spree. Have you ever thought to increase your distribution area felt?
Answer: The distribution on the Internet is still big enough. Million could be viewed "LOS-TV". The only catch is, it does not. And that's why we are in contact with other Web TV portals in order to maintain this cooperation. Then, the distribution area is somewhat larger. Otherwise, we will initially remain in the district of Spree-Oder.
question: Are welcome at "Los-TV movie also contributions from other providers?
Answer: Yes, of course, we are happy to also accept contributions from other movie providers, the contributions of the norms of our society meet. So nothing great, pornography, glorification of violence, etc.
question: "We are looking for regional issues" can be read on the front page of "LOS-TV". What are you interested in?
Answer: I say this every time I am asked: All of the RBB (Rundfunk Berlin Brandenburg) can not or will not bring, is for "GO TV" always interesting. This can be from a small shop newly opened to the breeding of specific animals, or special hobbies our fellow human beings. A new biogas plant in the city, you pass all of a week several times, is interesting and the redevelopment of a military cemetery in the neighboring village. There are so many great topics, they could turn around the Clock. Much more difficult is it to find someone to cut the raw material of new postings. Since then the time and cost factor comes into play again. Everything we can not afford themselves. A loving family I have, too, which fortunately often occurs three times or events.
Question: freelance staff as you continue to search for video journalists, camera operators or moderators?
Answer: Yes, of course. The only problem is that the interest for Internet TV is here raised in the region for the first time must. Then come the companies and then the money is in place to reward the liberal supporters. It is very difficult to inspire local companies for television, as our regional channels (cable) have made the left and right of Brieskow-Finkenheerd their own contribution to the failure and on for years. This call will always be in. If a regional cable channel operates mismanagement, then the bankruptcy is pending, it is hard business at all enthusiastic about any kind of television. And if that happens more often, the damage is almost impossible to make good.
people at the "GO TV" should take part in the first place Idea of IPTV bear with and have fun turning, moderation and cutting. It's all still very under construction, but the trend is clear. If money supply zurückfliest of productions for television stations, including money for the outdoors is there. I also think that the big money still can not, however, the path is correct and we use the time to produce and to "GO TV" to make more widely known. Currently, we are a rarity in the district of Oder-Spree, which relies on Internet TV. In Frankfurt (Oder), there are still "Romans TV", to which we have very good contacts, and exchange contributions or entire programs.
* Question: Users have travelers, who themselves want to be happy in front of the camera, with "LOS-TV" a chance?
Answer: Well, make it clear, just the request and then there is a date for a "short films" Here we are fairly straightforward and lashed to no age limit. We then evaluate the overall appearance before the camera, situation behavior in specific moments and of course we pay attention to a good German pronunciation. Topic and person must be well matched, then it fits mostly already.
Q: LOS TV "produced - they claim - a regional Internet TV (Web TV) at TV resolution. What does this mean?
Answer: Now that we have the idea of "Hit TV" transferred. Stamp television do not exist for us. 720 x 576 pixels or 720 x 400 pixels are for us the starting material. Is then converted into DivX and from the server.
Question: In what ways can companies or self-publish your Internet TV station paid advertisements?
Answer: Yes, this issue we have not yet so advanced. The focus for us is still on notice of "LOS-TV". We want a year to be broadcast (March 2008) to show, through which the posts that go here and the audience a look at those as well. Otherwise
companies can present before or after a program or between the individual contributions. An interruption of an ongoing contribution there will be not LOS-TV ". The viewer should be able to look at his contribution to peace in the end.
It is also possible to present separate commercials that fit specific sizes. These formats are already in the drawer and are already produced by and by. (Eg transmission of Japanese gardens, design, implementation, maintenance and cost) We have in place an entrepreneur who creates this type of gardens and create yourself a beautiful Japanese garden has included a large koi pond. Next we
work out video reviews for clickable. This means that in the video hidden surfaces are present, and you get to click on this additional information.
Question: On the website of "LOS-TV" is mentioned, the company "Helicamera event film", which manufactures aerial photographs. For whom is this offer for?
answer: "Helicamera" we are also produced by means of helicopter photography and filming for private and commercial customers. The pictures can be taken quite specifically to customer directly edited in the Emergency Response Vehicles "Helicamera" and immediately delivered. All we need is like PC, A3 printer, photo boxes, foils and cutting technology we have on the car. When we are at the customer away, after about 20 minutes, this has its very own aerial photograph in his hand. And at a cost that everyone wants it can afford to. Information at
http://www.helicamera.de *
question: Film review of the Brandenburg Internet TV station TV-LOS "are also Saxon in the web TV channel" Hit-TV.eu -
http: / / hit-tv.eu - to see. How does the cooperation with hit-TV.eu "?
Answer: To date is the cooperation very well. We can not complain there. We are all pulling in the same direction and that makes sense. Heiko Richter of "Hit TV" is also happy to support and says openly, if we are cut is not even successful. This is very helpful and productive. He is professional and we love to learn it. But ever thank you.
* Question: Answer: Under the heading "Web / TV Link" can be found at "LOS-TV" Notes "Roman TV from Frankfurt / Oder," Altona TV "from Hamburg," Hit TV " Zwickau and "TV News Hessen. Are you taking any further links?
Answer: Well, Next record is all very well and helps us produce all that type of offer. Better is a common portal where web-TV channel represented, and are grouped into regional channels. This is challenging and a lot of work. There is the approach of "Hit TV" very good to leave such a portal created and at no cost to the operator of the web TV channel. We support this and make so little by little the house format format of "Hit TV", "DivX" to.
I think that television is somehow in the living room, so expensive on the large flat screen. Connect the boxes, which are now penetrating markets are best suited to, to bring Internet TV into the living room. This could in turn inspire the company to present itself to the internet TV. It is indeed finally shown on the TV. And therefore the full TV resolution already on the PC monitor. A web TV channel with full screen in the appropriate quality is more often again clicked as the Stamps-TV. Also protects the valuable vision of the eyes.
* Question: Do you agree with the recent development of "GO TV" completely satisfied or do you have any requests?
Answer: The progress is that we see in our periodic viewers. Completely satisfied is probably never really. Ideas you always.
wishes are: For health and the rest is then normally. As I have mentioned, should the acceptance of Internet Television to develop positively. Then it is possible to fund with this medium a living. Can it be produced economically in this way, which can afford on a regional small businesses.
Thank says "GO TV"!
Interview by the journalist Ernst Probst, owner of Weblops "Internet TV from A to Z" -