IDEA interview on the Presidential election questions on the new SEA-President Wilf Gasser
idea: Does the Swiss Evangelical Alliance a doctor?
Wilf Gasser: I'm certainly not the impression that the SEA specifically needs a psychiatrist ... But in a broad movement such as the SEA, all who want to get involved, make an important contribution. If my medical background is helpful here, I am pleased. But I'm not sure why elected.
What brings you to this task?
The concern for the cooperation in the body of Jesus was somehow put me in the cradle. It has very much to do with my biography. I I grew up a Chrischona community and have experienced positive. Then I added more values through my involvement in the VBG. I have friends and relatives across the spectrum of communities. It is grown with me the joy and appreciation for various posts in the body of Jesus.
Is your way in the management of the SEA also an example of God's guidance?
My Name Will keep is something like my program. I am happy to see bridges and straight in this function a way to bring my diverse experiences. I have the impression that I had been prepared over the past 30 years on the job.
If the SEA under the direction of a Bernese Cantonal Parliament EPP-political?
I do not think so. Policy is called for me socially relevant action, and that's already been the concern of the SEA. The SEA should not be primarily a political body, but Jesus really represent. It should be an expression of the body, which has acquired Jesus. I have no political agenda for the SEA. I live out in other places.
The political orientation of the SEA are always talking. Where does it stand?
The question of left and right for me is completely irrelevant. I would rather know what the Bible represents God's word and being the best. But it can be different opinions.
deceptive impression that the EPP are more likely to SEA EDU and more likely to VFG, the Free Church Association?
I do not think one can always say that. I represent yes Vineyard in VFG. The difference is certain that the VFG is a hierarchically structured organization, with the lead person from each plant. Here is more about structures. The SEA is a movement. So I also experience the difference between the two parties. The EDU is aimed more dogmatic and the EPP more a less easily defined movement.
Why does it still two organizations?
precisely because of their differences. The SEA also represents Christians with similar values of the Protestant Church and from the growing not authored communities. In many similar concerns, we try to work together. However, the VFG as an interest group will also perform specific tasks of the Free Churches, as the question of recognition or the exemption of donations.
explain how to a "look" reporter's mission and the importance of the SEA?
The SEA is a movement that connects people who bring biblical values in our society to support and want to be a reference to the liberating power of the Gospel. The SEA encourages people close to it to make a constructive contribution to our society and so to make visible God's nature. The SEA represents about 250,000 people, which the Search and appreciate each other. We believe that these people represent the company in a noticeable difference and contribute to changing.
What should it change under the new president?
The SEA is pleasing doing well, and I will follow the current course continues. It is important to me that we communicate Christian values and concerns for the public to understand. Could be that my big reputation in the media has also more vulnerable and provocations.
is provoking the future SEA stronger?
I'm not the type to provoke the sake of provocation. But I will also not chicken out if I get a clear opinion on the provocateur.
on which issues they will therefore provoke?
I think of issues such as the right to life, euthanasia, or the better integration of foreigners. But even beyond our contribution to a just society through our country. Keyword "stop poverty and the gradual increase in development aid to 0.7 percent of gross national income.
The SEA caused last year by the Campaign to Stop Suicide "for attention. And this year?
I can imagine that we make the whole area of family even more on the topic. I have also created the Order received to set up a working group "family". Personally, I work in the track group of "Marriage Week" with a huge opportunity!
Where do you start when it comes to "family"?
I think that the Swiss people need concrete assistance to family to really live. With marriage courses, marriage preparation and family counseling are available in Christian circles have valuable offers. In this direction we need to think about what is useful to society.
Plan, other working groups?
Only in the area seniors, we are still there, the great potential of increasing to use and to consider how well seniors could participate more actively in social life.
afraid they do not mean to dissipate the forces in the face of already 14 working groups?
No, because the individual working groups so try to link existing works and experts in their field and thereby develop more dynamic and efficient. However, it may be that we can die a working group if it does not cover current needs more.
How do you determine what really moves the basis?
This can be done through our sections and the broad-based working groups. We want including through an active media relations have further increased the nose in the wind to see what's going on so in the company.
Look in the near future a rapprochement with the Catholic Bishops' Conference and the Protestant Churches?
I maintain personal contacts with the Catholic side, and will continue to do so. For Churches and VFG have existed for years, good, established relationship, the needs that do not change anything special.
Ecumenism will continue to be an issue?
It's important that I have on a personal level contacts also Catholic Christians, and they show appreciation for the contribution of this corner of the Church is. For approaches at the institutional level, I see no need. This time would not be ripe. But I feel quite important that we as Christians do not even want to distinguish alliance by separation from other Christians.
To excited by the SEA Round Table with Muslims and minarets opponents, it is quiet. Is it the end?
We have agreed with all parties to disclose. Therefore I can not say anything. But the case is ongoing.
Many Free Churchmen, the fear of Islamization of the society is large. How do you respond as a Christian?
I assume that Jesus has overcome these fears. Moreover, history shows that Christianity was no less alive in times of threats and hostility. For me, Islam is not the big threat, but the fact that people are turning away from God and basically not life focused on him. I want to say clearly that I respect before radical Islam. But fear or negative accruals are wrong advisers.
comes in several parts of the Evangelical Alliance hardly move. How can I change it?
The situation is not indifferent to us. We therefore have to point this summer hired a part-time employees, namely, Rev. Thomas Beerle, president of the local branch of the Rhine Valley in the book. It will help to give the local sections more identity and power. There
How many flourishing alliance sections at the moment? There
alliances with great brilliance, it maybe a dozen, for example in Thun, Winterthur, Basel, Biel or even book.
Traditional Alliance Prayer Week attracts some places scarcely more people into the chapels. How can she get new life?
The Alliance Week of Prayer is a central element. She needs a new impetus and must be rediscovered. This is a big task. I have the impression that the local cooperation should be sought even more. And we should think more of how we in this week of the whole population can serve. We should build more outside.
Much attention is paid to your Verteilzeitschrift "4telstunde" as those for the euro. This would mean that the media work of the community be encouraged?
We wonder whether the "4telstunde" will become a regularly appearing newspaper. That would be important for the identity of the SEA and could also serve the local alliance, by, for example, could settle their own deposits. Testing is also enhanced cooperation with other organizations and media works.
More evangelism and mission: To retrieve only the trunk and Hugo be the same on the plan.
I know Hugo master himself. I did not feel that he has always a problem when we as Christians even more visibility. For me, Hugo would be no ordinary enemy, before you are afraid. There also are more tendencies to collection, which he denounces. But committed Christians, of course, offer more vulnerable. But even Paul said, we should be happy if we are attacked. Even unjust attacks can bring something positive. The SEA will encourage Christians to put off by attacks to not leave. And by the way, it can also be a chance if we are questioned or to question ourselves.
What would you say
Hugo strain on missionary work like before? can be
As little as the cat keep chasing the mouse, we can make it easy to spread the good news. Every person who has a strong conviction, carries a missionary element to it. Even Hugo master! I wish him that he will win more with an eye for how a relationship with Jesus Christ can change people's positive.
What would bring it in Switzerland, if the SEA had twice as many members and would get a much higher priority?
We have more citizens to take responsibility and to promote positive change want to use the company. For Covenant Christians not only in the past on average moved much, for example in the social and educational sector, but even today many areas, innovative and committed. Switzerland were a bit more livable, more open, life-affirming.
With "Kickoff 2008" provide the SEA and many local communities while the euro required the involvement. Your interim assessment?
The action seems to be a success. Many communities are using this great social happenings, to introduce himself. You want to distance themselves not easy, but indicate that they are as part of a football nation, as part of this Understand society.
What the SEA could learn from football?
That one only in a team where each individual fills his position well, can achieve great goals together.