Join us on Marriage Week!
Maybe you missed the Marriage Week 2009th Then you do it now already thinking about what next year might be your contribution ...
is a difference in every home
it possible to influence the rate of broken marriages and families in Switzerland? Perhaps you are experiencing difficulties in your own marriage or marriage of your children. We all know about the negative impact that ailing relationship to the children as well as on society. But are there ways to bring about a positive change?
Why not be pro-active?
Every year a week before Valentine's Day (February 7 to 14), Marriage Week calls to all married couples in Switzerland, to invest in their marriage. Because this is often neglected, and couples assume that it is enough to be in love. But for a satisfying and stable relationship, it takes a little more conscious use. With a message of hope aims to Marriage Week initiative encourage and thus make a difference in the long term.
Each year, more events
Marriage Week is almost an empty vessel and lives by that private organization, clubs, churches, institutions and events. Restaurants invite you to a marriage, for example, dinner, possibly connected with a short lecture. Hotels offer special rates for couples at. Parishes organize a panel discussion or invite you to a taster evening for a marriage course. A group of friends organized a dance party or even a ball Florists bookstores or use the week for special events. The imagination knows no bounds ... The website offers many information and links, which are helpful for interested couples, as well as for organizers of events.
You can help
There may be around you already have a group that supports Marriage Week. But you can of course also like to organize an event yourself. Or maybe you are in a position financially something to contribute ...
The challenge is great, but it's also fun to do together makes a difference to families and couples in our country!
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