Stuttgart beautiful counted 21
" When the project participants in April 2009, signed all the contracts, the station conversion to around 3 billion euros was estimated. But even during the year determined the actual track construction costs of 4.9 billion euros.
It would be the certain death of Stuttgart 21 have been after the state government than 4.5 billion € had defined upper limit of the mammoth project. So let Bahn chief Ruediger Grube recalculate its most faithful people again. They found - and calculated the cost down to 4.0878 billion. (...)
First, they were (the savings proposals) "estimate without detailed planning," as the train admits in the collection. On the other hand "for the realization of these points in part, the approval of the Federal Railway Office, architects, project planners, builders and experts necessary." should read: For none of the changes so far has been granted a "
Here is the complete one. Items on Spon .
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