Saturday, February 25, 2006

Wedding Theme Black Ivory Red

candidates interview with Grand Council Elections 2006

Questions Susi Meier

You kandidierst in April 06 for the Grand Council, what is your motivation to do so in the EPP?
The EPP combines a focus on Christian values with an openness to dissent, so we really build bridges with others and come into the conversation. This corresponds to my personal being political style as well as my beliefs.

What do you especially appreciate the canton of Bern?
The Canton of Bern offers extremely high quality of life. The "Great City of Bern", while still a provincial town, but still offers a lot of "life". And then we also close to great scenery and fantastic recreational environment.

What would you most needed change in the canton of Bern, if you had the chance?
I would like to create a more positive mood. We have no reason to complain and to be grumpy. And with a positive attitude can change a lot more than atmosphere pressure and negative.

What should be your opinion, discussed at length in Canton?
I find it hard to name just a theme. But much - and often not led to its logical conclusion - is the debate about public services. What can we afford and do in Canton? In the areas of infrastructure, education, social etc.

What book, movie or any piece of music which has moved up very recently?
I read lately Books by Ed Silvoso about the changing effects of the Gospel to all cultures, cities, the business community, etc. The present western culture and its values was crucial times of Christians dominated.
I want together with many others to Jesus and live aligned again more of that transforming power to see and explore.

Which newspaper article has annoyed you?
I bugged me about the extensive coverage of the erotic fair, and could not make it to write a comment about the responsibility of the media. These are defined but only as a "mirror of society," but then they also help with those hard to scrap the man to bring. And wash your hands of it ...

What would you tell readers the EPP info else:
attempts at least 3-5 new people to bring to the polls. The EPP is well on track, and these elections have the potential to make us become an even more important voice in the Bernese politics. And if you want up personal involved in politics or have ideas, then write me at my embarrassment.

Sample Cogat Test Sample Cogat Test

Editorial Info Bernstadt EPP-06 / 1

Since only about a year I am now part of the EPP Group in the Great Council and so quasi ex officio I am also a member of the municipal executive board. I am delighted with the good cooperation and the positive attitude in our team where each member of his or her gifts according to the time and energy invested. We are all highly motivated, the biblical "salt-job" in the context of our political arrangements completed. At the same time however, we are very aware that we are also up with your small or large contribution needed to ensure that our motto is "Christian values - human politics" gets hands and feet.

Social justice, in my opinion one of the core concerns of a Christian-based politics. I therefore consider it as a big chance that this - especially through the campaign "StopArmut2015" last year - once more a theme. We should learn from this thread on the PPE, and position ourselves positively with this important issue. Often enough, we were so perceived, perhaps in the past by the public more in the "no-men-corner".

We have for 22 March, the world-class mimes Carlos Martinez with his program on Human Rights invited to Bern (20pm, Cultural Hall, Factory Street 12), and understand this as a small thank you for your commitment. The event also gives you an excellent opportunity to meet with colleagues, neighbors and relatives to talk, and possibly also the degree of EPP support in the next Grand Council Elections invite. And certainly can be one or take (the) other artists like this intriguing evening.

you soon!
Wilf Gasser

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Teaching Solution Company Fraud Or Legit?

challenges in the relationship

interview with Fritz Imhoff
4th February 2006 is

What phases are in the common life of a couple?

Wilf: We are three essential distinctions. beat

First, the phase of being in love, which helps us a bridge to a completely different and alien creature ever to be able to.
Then the phase of the dis-illusion, where we begin the idealized counterpart in a more realistic light to see. learned
And third, the stage of mature love, where the search is not good feelings to the fore, but respect and respect shape our common path, and a person who to give to the owner's spouse.

What elements (including experiences and decisions) in the first phase are critical to the next?

Wilf: is crucial for the first phase of emotional development (we call it the heart level, see chart) pay enough attention. Today there is often the sexual relationship (physical layer) at the very beginning of the relationship, and this is hampering the development of closeness and intimacy in general. For young couples, there is the risk that they try to compensate for lack of heart around with erotic putty. So you can at least feel pretend to intimacy. At some point the lie is flying but ...

What is the secret to a long-term couple relationship?

Christa: It is very difficult to enumerate the factors of success of a marriage. Relations are too complex. Although one can not really say what keeps them together, so we know quite well what brings marriages apart. There is grumbling devaluation, and degrading criticism. This in particular is a common development in the stage of dis-illusion.

Wilf: For this problem, we have a good cartoon. Since Mrs. Frosch said to Mr. Frosch: "When I kissed you, I thought you would you turn into a prince and not me into a frog ...!"
Christa: A research has shown that couples in a long-standing good relations have been de-spite deception and unfulfilled expectations, the respect for each other and a good pinch of idealization preserved. Specifically, he might say, for example: "Your lack of orderliness bugs me though capable, but her smile I think just still so adorable." Or, "brings his tardiness me crazy, but he's just won a man to whom I I can leave. "

What are the typical pitfalls of a couple's relationship?

Wilf: The largest of the numerous traps is probably the lack of appreciation of diversity. An example. Love to see even the most difference as great addition. At some point, then "the quiet water" no longer attractive, but also begins to grow tiresome. "I must pull out everything from the nose. You never tell me what moves you, etc. ... "The logical response is not long in coming:" If you press me so, I pull myself back up "

Christa: spouses often start then, the personality-related and thus natural reaction of the partner's as malicious and to do against him, and they will respond accordingly. They try to pressure "their right" to enforce, and thus want to force change. Good will and acceptance, are often out of respect, to the position. And no one is changing under pressure, for the better ...

Wilf: A second case, the frequent power struggles. Many couples go there just about to be right. Based on my own logic and perception but I have almost always right. It is therefore in every conflict situation, two realities. We must learn to respect the feelings and reactions of others, and to understand the feelings or reasoning behind them. I must not agree be, but I may not want to fight.

Christa: It is often then yes, the power struggle being played out even in the bedroom, and blocks the relationship even more. For several years, we therefore also central theme in our seminars on the topic of sexuality intransigence and hidden aggression clearly as a great intimacy killer. Each couple has conflict and you hurt all the time. Couples therefore need a culture of reconciliation, and this is our view be learned!

change how work and career the relationship?
Chris: Basically, we see as no big problem. The career development may perhaps lead to a pair of runs increasingly on separate tracks, and remove the points of contact. There are problems but usually only with the children, or, paradoxically, in the long term fertility problems.

How children change the relationship?

Christa: The phase of small children for most relationships a pretty big challenge. We simply have less time for the faithful together. Often suffers from the sexual encounter. The mother discovered perhaps their emotional needs a little way from the children and the husband also experienced this as competition. Now, if already held a degree of alienation, there can be serious problems.

Wilf: Often this is yet another problem. Many mothers of young children by running a so-called exhaustion depression. This has multiple causes, often leads to dissatisfaction, feelings of failure, isolation, etc. The man would have to relieve now be able to, but projecting more women with negative feelings on the couple relationship, make her husband allegations, and instead it more closely, it becomes increasingly more excluded from the family. The mother binds more to their children, although this is indeed loaded. And the father of his hand, withdraws from the relationship back and focus on his career. So a real vicious circle.

Christa: We believe that these mechanisms also explain why divorce is now in the sixth year of marriage the most.

Wilf: Good explanation of these phenomena by family physicians, pediatricians, counselors and therapists could perhaps save a few relationships.

What makes a happy couple's relationship in old age. How can you prepare?

Wilf, Who accepts problems in the relationship as normal and a lifetime of repeated investments in the marriage, has good conditions for a happy couple's relationship in old age. We recommend to young couples very openly share with others about their relationship difficulties, and must establish a mentor relationship. This relieves some conflicts, we can qualify some difficulties quickly and remembers, perhaps, that one simply does not "next" is.

Christa and Dr. Wilf Gasser married for 23, 3 children.

Both employees are in the church's lay movement Vineyard Bern. They hold regular seminars on "Growing intimacy in marriage - way to a fulfilling sexuality" and are part-time working as a sex therapist. Wilf is Vice President of Switzerland. Evangelical Alliance, President of the Men's Forum, German Switzerland, and the EPP in the Parliament of the Canton of Bern.
Christa guides in the area of the Vineyard Bern IN with the departments of Family Life Center, Children / Teen / Youth, consulting, training. The Vineyard Bern attaches great importance to the interaction between the generations and sustainable, committed relationships. The children's programs are not focused on age groups, but on age-mixed family groups. The older children while their gifts out in accordance with the responsibility inside.
info: or

Monday, February 20, 2006

Invitation To A Party At Neiman Marcus

media and porn mafia

porn producers work the same way as drug dealers. You are creating a huge - business dependencies. And apparently in the circulation of money and sex, the newspaper industry is so dependent that they had to help hard to boost the business to the Berne erotic fair. How else can one explain that the organizers were so much space to present in federal and BZ as noble entrepreneurs with a high sense of aesthetics?
Ironically, then appeared in the same week a BZ-article which addressed the problem of sexualized early adolescents. And at regular intervals we read in the newspaper of child pornography, pedophile-growing circles on the Internet, etc. Then suddenly, one wonders, how could such a thing happen. Social development is deplored, and some call you for more control, more sacred laws, etc. attacked
Many journalists, in my opinion play a double game. On the one hand, they promote in the name of liberalism decadent developments (to which I would include an erotic fair with live sex), and they stigmatize critics as a conservative moralist of the past. On the other hand, they describe themselves as mere "observers", and disclaim all responsibility from the problematic social developments.
fact is that if sexuality to mere consumer degenerates, and this is being marketed by the media of money or sensationalism strong, then one must not be surprised by impaired ability to relate, and an increase in destructive transgressions such as incest, violence against women, child pornography etc.
It is high time to take on federal and BZ social responsibility and to give respect to cooperation with the porn industry ethical guidelines. (Examples: advertisements market, reporting erotic fair). It is too cheap, accessible only to define a "mirror of society" and to deny their own share of social character.

MD Wilf Gasser, Sexual Therapist, Grossrat EPP