Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Meagan Good Short Haircut In The Game

cinematographer Robert Bachmann leaves "blue light news" prefer other


Interview with Robert Bach of IT & Multimedia Services - http://www.edv-mms.de - in Dresden


Question: Mr. Bachmann, company "Multimedia Service" provides - on demand - images for TV stations, production companies, entrepreneurs and individuals. Do you feel in your industry something of the economic upswing in Germany?

Answer: This can be relatively difficult to assess. If one starts with the customer inquiries that are made without my intervention, one can say that there are more. More often, there are now requests from regional stations. In the consumer market is also very common in demand again after the digitization of analog media (VHS, Audio CD) on CD / DVD. Whether it will be more jobs in total, is attested to by the end of the year in the books.


Question: We are looking for Media Science (UAS). Is this a profession you can in good conscience recommend a young person today?

Answer: Yes, it can I do a clear conscience. When I began in 1995 as my studies at the University of Applied Sciences Dresden, I was one of the first to have demonstrated this degree program. So I had no one to whom I would ask that question. I see it today but it was right to complete this study. It has brought many benefits to me personally, because you are working through special training both in the field of computer science and in the area of the media. In the best case you can combine both very good. If you can see today how fast the electronic media were digitized, one can understand very well that a huge knowledge needed in this area. This requires professionals this new technology can also install and use. That alone is sufficient although usually not enough. Technicians working in the media, should at least be able to use a camera to understand the cut and fit so far, also called image or tongestalterisch or registered to act. Versatility is now more than ever. Only those who understand all the relationships in these areas can hold their own in the field of new media. In this respect, this work is recommended for everyone, which today has an interest in modern information technology and enjoy being in the media industry would like to be working.


Question: On the website of "Hit-TV.eu - http://hit-tv.eu - a platform for Internet television in Zwickau (Saxony), are also shown film contributions from you. Are they mostly "blue light news" (accidents, bad weather, crime)?

Answer: No, the "blue light news" I leave that to others. I think there is enough in Dresden cameramen who can do well. It brings me so much when are the locations anyway three camera teams. Finally, all his posts for sale and usually makes only one race. The cost of producing one but in any case. If "blue light news," then you have been right outside my front door what happened be. I still have plenty of other opportunities and concentrate mainly on issues that are otherwise rather neglected. For Hit TV is not bad, because to be with the Internet TV, too marginalized "supplied" and topics are offered, not necessarily just to see on each channel. To cite just one example: I'm a big motorcycle fan, and have produced at almost every event from local clubs to contribute. The results achieved by this particular audience polling numbers have been some positive surprises.


issue for young people is certainly a cameraman's dream?

Answer: If I could imagine already, that is so. After all, one has the option to be a lot, always turn on current events - maybe even its own stars to experience first hand times what others only dream of the stage. But these are the pleasures that can be seen first. As with any profession, there is also the cameraman activities that are routine. If you then for the umpteenth press conference must, with topics which have a personal interest not so, again merely "writing hand" and overhead projectors, allows authenticity because there is nothing to see ... Should also bear in mind that we ran in this job needs to wind and weather. Recent events in the message pane asks never send to know how to feel this especially if it rains in torrents out there, whether you frostbite in the winter at minus 20 degrees and ice cold wind hands on the camera or whether the summer at plus 35 degrees in the shade of heavy machinery by will drag area. You have to be just there, at any time day or night - whether one likes it or not! Who wants to have regular working hours, which should give up the job better.


Question: Among your many services in addition to films about current events and promotional films about firms to make presentations at trade shows, and the documentation of events (corporate event, wedding, birthday). What kind of movies will from your customers / internal desired the most?

Answer: At the most it had been wedding films. For this unusual occasion like wedding couples have a great memory for later life. Just as they get from the photographers snap shots, like many have stated this most important day of their lives in moving image and sound. Further documentation will be requested very frequently. However, this benefit of private individuals rather than recourse. Most people probably think that they can shoot with their own camera. Today almost everyone has a video camera. That this includes a bit of experience to produce a film can be demonstrated, forget the very many.


Question: Other than your service as director of photography, you also offer an IT service. What are your major achievements?

Answer: The IT Services include installation services, above all, such as networks or servers in Linux. In addition, all benefits associated with IT infrastructure. The combination of the corporate network to the Internet and access the Internet to the company network are also included. The establishment of Internet access or Internet phone to play an important role.


Question: Does your IT service also benefits that can be taken by private parties?

Answer: Yes, it is even mostly the case. It is mostly residential customers who have problems with their PC. These range from damaged hard drives on installation and setup of application software to short training courses. Once someone wanted to know how to cut to the PC and video DVD's created. Since I could not of course to be well and have noticed that this is but a special service, offering many PC emergency services can not. Most often, however, is lately the establishment of Internet access requested. Apparently that's not always as easy as many providers promise you. Does the connection, customers are often "in the rain" allowed to stand, no matter whether the customer computer to the Internet is now or not. Then, the computer service is needed.


Questions Ernst Probst, who runs the weblog "Internet TV from A to Z" presented - http://internetfernsehen-von-az.blogspot.com

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Convertire File Swf In Jar

questions and answers about the future of television


Interview with Heiko Richter , together with Jana Lohse one of the makers of hit-TV.eu "portal for Internet TV - http://hit-tv.eu



question: does your honor, no one Today, all television stations and Internet broadcasters in Germany. Is this vast huge selection to the audience a blessing or a curse?

Answer: It is in the eye of the beholder. There are surveys that most people generally about 20 to 30 stations check back frequently. 20 years ago it was relatively easy because there was only a very limited number of stations. In this day and age that is of course different. Each transmitter is therefore considered that it binds to the audience. This can be, for example, very specific content such as programs or division in a very local relation as for local stations. It's not a whole are more viewers, so the "customer" viewers a hotly courted Good for each transmitter are. I think the odds of major return broadcasters in favor of the many small ones. Street sweepers in the 70's and 80-ies there is no more. The advantage of the many channels of course, is that the selection of larger and there is something for every taste. One can imagine this: if on the breakfast table is only one kind of sausage and cheese as a species, most will rely on it. But if there are ten varieties of sausage and ten kinds of cheese, caviar, nougat cream, honey and cornflakes on the table, the selection will be more differentiated, which does not mean that the first type of sausage and the first type of cheese is worse. Many will fall back out of habit.


Question: TV shows today are via satellite dish, cable TV, internet and electrical outlet in the house. Which technology will prevail?

Answer: I will pass on the response to a very hot topic, as I say, the Internet TV. Certainly no one can imagine today and it will take some time. However, it is the only logical conclusion. There seems to be so already, as all means of transmission, including satellite dish, cable TV, electrical outlet, in theory, and some are practical Internet-ready. I think there will be a development process, until it sells well and the classical operators of the transmission will be not enthusiastic, since it threatens their market position. I see, for example, DVB-T or the current mobile TV as an absolute aberration, as the network provider to mutate to program suppliers. If the money was being invested in total and would put in a nationwide infrastructure of a broadband internet coverage, you could easily watch TV via public hot spots on the phone or with a connection in each house only but also to the entire Internet. The trouble is that then all other means of transmission for television obsolete.



question: do lay Decide a simple technique. However, experts tend to make technology more complicated. Is also in television - as in video recorders - the risk that the service will soon be annoying?

Answer: Unfortunately yes, and even in Germany there is a tendency to complicate everything. There are examples not only in television but also elsewhere. Prime example is the toll system, in other countries just tin shacks made of the road and personnel used to cash in, in Germany it must be supported by satellite and of course insanely expensive. Back to television. It is known that about 70-80% of people are not able to program their video recorders. The give the industry something to think about. We try to hit TV.eu therefore to go the way of making it as simple as possible. Everyone should quickly find what they want to see, which will also apply to future versions as a principle. Likewise, our future will look like box. With us there is no DRM, and everything is always free of charge, meaning a VCR is obsolete. I think the only way to exist also in the future television market. With too much more complicated and standardized technology, the viewers the desire to lose the power. Television has not only with the Internet is a tough competition, too many things to lure viewers away from television sets. Since it is not useful when a program can not be drawn on, so you can can enjoy time-shifted, and the rigid demarcation of the supplier through its own tailored to their transmission boxes.


Question: In Germany, starting more and more Internet television stations, which offer an entertaining and informative program for free. What are the advantages and disadvantages of these Web TV channel?

Answer: In principle, all the channels an enrichment of the television landscape. Each of these stations will also find viewers and I think that this development is important and right. Sooner or later, however, is a process used where separates the wheat from the chaff, as the economy, a Role. Through the Internet, although the transfer costs are lower, but the production requires a certain know-how, technical equipment and of course the necessary capital. Everyone can
Although now relatively easy to set an Internet TV channel, but in my opinion are alliances and collaboration on a platform such as hit-TV.eu effective. We now have nearly 30 vendors of content. This collaboration has the advantage that the providers can concentrate on the production and of course a greater variety of programs a synergistic effect. Who hit TV.eu looking for B.über discovered a message, perhaps even with "model train" in, while he sees the garden show and then tell the neighbors, look at this purely from Hit-Tv.eu because it is a beautiful garden show and then continues the chain and all benefit.


Question: In addition to many free to air television broadcasts, there is always more for which we should pay something. How do you assess the interest in such pay channels?

Answer: I do not think about it much, if not a real value behind it. The viewers are invited been enough to pay. Starting from the forced Pay for public-law calls, cable charges up to the Internet, everything costs money. Now, when programs are encrypted, which are financed by advertising, many Viewers do not do anything with us. " This is both an opportunity for small and non-encrypted channel, on the other hand, pay-TV offerings provide real benefit
premium content like this. MTV has already once in the 90 years he brought with encryption a bloody nose and cut back the entire project in one or two years. Interestingly there are on-demand portals, where can I download a specific movie or other special content. However, I say this as a DRM-opponents, it should also be such as is bought bought. This content should then be flammable and not only on the computer where I downloaded it, run.
good chance I see for real expensive purchased premium content, such as football and other sporting events or very recent films. This appeal to specific target groups who have a hobby and every hobby now costs even more or less €. I'm going to do now, while many enemies, but a league is, in my view, for example, not on public service broadcasting remit of primary care, but the pay TV


Question: operator of an Internet television station, producer, cameraman and television viewers in Personnel Union. How would you like the television of the future?

answer: to say a word - simple.
As part of the networking of vehicles, household appliances, public and private spaces will sooner or later, every technical device with an IP address and have a display. Think further one is no longer just the TV or a device on the PC where you can view television offerings. Each car is so capable TV. In the kitchen the refrigerator or the washing machine in the course of the linkages be connected to the Internet and is a potential "TV" especially in public areas, such as waiting rooms, you can watch TV just like at home. With personalization, you can see on the Internet to anywhere in the world his personal program. However, I fear that even then the GEZ fee washing machine and refrigerator rises. Here, then, the policy is already in demand in time to prevent the turning of the screw fees on time.
I wish is that television remains free of charge as an important asset for the spectators, that ad-supported. The advertisement should come to fit in better but the overall picture of the program and target group-oriented. Some commercials I look too happy today, because of they are funny or just beautiful. This is how fun and advertising sense. Each operator of a television station should be in a position of the viewer. This will see his program as it comes to him does not really matter, the content of the program is crucial.


Questions by Ernst Probst, who runs the weblog "Internet TV from A to Z" - http://internetfernsehen-von-az.blogspot.com



hit TV News
news information, press releases and interviews on the portal for Internet TV

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Forced To Smell The Sweat

For "Hit-TV.eu" can buy DVD's presented to

Zwickau (hit -tv.news) - A new service, "hit TV.eu - http://hit-tv.eu - the portal for Internet TV in Zwickau (Saxony): In the "Channel 12" with the address http://hit-tv.eu/Kanal12.htm previews are now buying DVD's to see. Thus viewers' ability to enjoy them in the usual TV quality, this DivX format with full Pal resolution was chosen. If the playing of the previews not be technically possible, the "DivX Player" free download at http://www.divx.de . Who wants to offer in the "channel 12" of "Hit-TV.eu" a buy-DVD, this can make a preview for a processing fee. The distribution of the DVD's will only by the provider - not through hit-TV.eu. On 16 August 2007 as a first purchase of the DVD entitled "Borkum - Island in the north" of "life media tour" is set.

Note is sent there in full TV resolution can occur even with fast broadband to wait until the start of the movie reviews!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

What To Expect From Asain Table Shower Meeage

cameramen and rescuers are not enemies

Video "train accident" by "hit TV.eu" at "Youtube"


Interview with Heiko Richter, together with Jana Loh's one of the makers of Internet television "hit TV.eu - http://hit-tv.eu - in Zwickau (Saxony)


Question: Mr. Richter, you work for hit-TV.eu "as a cameraman and production, namely the so-called" blue light news "about accidents and crimes death or serious injuries. Do you need to follow certain etiquette here or view them all?

Answer: The work as a news reporter is in the public often perceived very negatively. The image is drawn wrong in the minds of feature films. It does not help a few years ago were the reports about the death of Princess Diana. All then arrested Although journalists were released and set procedures. It is now well established that the first reporters were a minute after the accident in the tunnel around and had not hampered the rescue work. But the general suspicion hangs. The truth and the background will not appear for days on the front pages of newspapers such as the unjustified accusations and convictions.
to do just as little or as much as a detective investigator with the film is that even with the rapporteurs on film and in reality.
For us, it can be different in other regions, it is true that there are clear agreements between the teams and the rapporteurs. I would Never turn uncovered dead, never show doctors in the treatment of wounds or injuries in Close up and car plates are pixelated in principle with me. Since the police know that I work on use reputable sites, I have also within the capacity of the freedom to pursue my work as long as I go not in danger.


question: How well do you work as a cameraman with police, firefighters and paramedics?

Answer: I can, as mentioned, only speak for myself. The forces of police, fire and rescue services who know me know that reporting is important if it is done journalistically correct. However, there are some problems. On the one hand it
colleagues, often from the regional players, which are rarely confronted with accidents and disasters and do not know the rules. This will mean they have to make the most bloodthirsty sensation pictures and often also disrupt the surprised forces and that they will be rightly rejected. From such kind of journalism I distance myself and it does happen, that I appeal to such people and try to educate them. Furthermore, no serious German TV station would show those pictures. Ultimately harm these people and my work.
complexity is also sometimes the first meeting with small volunteer fire departments that had not yet been done with the subject of reporting. These are often of the "scene of the paparazzi" and think that the journalists are the "enemy" always. Often half a clarifying word of the police and remember the second or third encounter at the site then that is not the "evil Sensation Reporter is. Meanwhile, there are many good acquaintances in the fire service. Ultimately, they also benefit from the illustrations. For example, savings plans for volunteer fire departments were able to with film and visual evidence of their activity can be averted.
most negative I feel, however, especially in the range of major crimes, when television crews "from outside" to come to the region. They have certain programs for the order to present the subject in a particular direction. This then has highest priority, whatever the cost, and there are all the tricks used to achieve the pre-conceived, and given final result. These colleagues leave scorched earth, they do not care what happens to the people because they are the next day in another location. Standard practice is to make such as yard-long interviews and then send a 15-second clause, which is required as the facts in their minds, even though the respondent has a completely different view total shown. Notorious above all the TV crews of the same television broadcast of a weekly political magazine, which actually has a reputable reputation. I got to hear time and again.. "There were already people of XYZ TV here and have twisted everything and look different, as we said it We say absolutely nothing more you should be careful therefore already a whole, who make a interview, or someone who is regionally based, is hardly working dubious, since he wants to work a few days later in the region


question.. Who benefits from your work as a cameraman in accidents or crimes

? Answer: There are actually very many, the benefit of our work.
In the first place of course, the viewers and newspaper readers. Who was not ever in the mile-long traffic jam and wondered what was going on as well. Suddenly everything goes again and it does not know why. Here to help television images.
Furthermore, the accident involved (Beiteiligten or otherwise), the request for many different reasons, photographs or video material, whether for insurance or to private memory.
In addition, the forces, fire services, for example, to document their missions, and even sometimes the police themselves told me the other day, a police officer that he regularly reports to hit TV.eu look and seen some things that have been at the accident scene not often seen such. It's also understandable, a police officer sees a scene of the accident from a different perspective as a journalist. Thus, complement what is seen.
is the end, the report also part of prevention. The more one sees pictures of accidents, the more road users are also called to the reason. No one wants from a car trapped by the fire badly injured to be cut out. If my paintings could be saved by only a human life or injury was prevented, then I have achieved a great deal


question witnesses to an accident or crime, with tragic consequences much understanding of your work as a cameraman?

Answer: This is very different and covers the whole spectrum of emotions. There are people who find it very liberating, if they can tell their experiences. Sometimes there are one behind the camera, even the tears in his eyes and trying to comfort and help. Just pictures of charred buildings or other tragic events and people in need often solve a wave of Soldarität. Unfortunately there are also people whose emotions go in the opposite direction. I've also been threatened, and once I lost a camera. That is thankfully not the norm. Meanwhile, I am also Such people need to set and I let myself be put under police protection. I'm not on these people but evil. No one can predict its behavior in human extremes. I am well aware that the loss of a friend or a house or Anghörigen causes a great pain, because I had already bereavement in the family and even a house fire. I'm trying to work in such situations, as discreetly as possible.
Most of the people I meet, however, accepted the report. Especially when you talk to them and approaching them as well. It is now time to events to that reported above. Historian and chronicler existed since time immemorial. In our time, but we have better technical possibilities as chalk and rocks, pen and paper or paint brush and canvas.


Question: You come first to an accident scene and have a camera, what they do first?

Answer: Of course, what to do any other citizen. I get an overview, call the rescue workers, firefighters and possibly police. Then I try to administer first aid and care about the people. If the forces are then arrived, I will also pursue my work as a reporter. The priority, however, security and assistance, and only then comes the reporting


question: Harvest for your work as a cameraman and recognition?

Answer: A recognition on the one hand, when an event is sent by a major TV company or you see a picture in the newspaper. Likewise, I would also mentioned from time to time to certain events. I am also pleased that many forces to recognize my work and I am part of them. When an event is always a machine is started. A reporter is a small wheel of it, just as the police officer, firefighter or emergency physician. Everyone does his job as best as possible. Everyone who sees my work critically, should always keep in mind when reporters come is an event already happened, and a reporter about it. He is not responsible for the event.


Question: Can you sleep after filming a serious accident early hours still good?

Answer: This is a question that you can not yes or no answer. One should separate the private from the Occupational while, but this is often easier said than done .. Even reporters are ultimately people. In fact, I'll never be rid of certain events and I get goosebumps when I think of it. An example are the events at the school shooting in Erfurt, I on behalf of a major TV station site was, or the great flood in Saxony. There are also other events that do not go out of your head. I once had, in a December 24, accident, turned on the A4, where a family with children injured and killed. Although we have not seen the people, but the packed Christmas gifts were distributed on the highway, the roadside was a blood-stained seat next to it was a small teddy bear and Christmas. After me was to celebrate this Christmas will be mute. Especially if children or young people are involved, one thinks also of his own family. This is the worst case that can happen if a friend is involved or affected. I had this once before, when the best friend, my big daughter was killed. At the scene of the accident I had not noticed, but during the day I learned it that it was the girl that was visiting us often and has been sitting with at the coffee table.
Overall, I try to compensate for what is seen but in which I turn and beautiful moments of life. Although life has its downs, but yes it is, fortunately, not only from accidents and disasters. Moreover, I share with many of my experiences in order to raise the sensitivity to correctly behave in traffic and carefully deal with hazards. You learn from the events and my driving style has, since I'm doing this job, very changed. Because of my work and the insights gained from this example I have given away to all my relatives smoke detectors and also possess some. You can often go with a little care many things out of the way and reduce the risk. I've since made a ruling on its own. I turn on news, but I would never even be the message.


Questions by Ernst Probst, who runs the weblog "Internet TV channels from A to Z" - http://internetfernsehen-von-az.blogspot.com

Thursday, August 9, 2007

How To Know If A Scorpio Male Is Attracted To You

" TV-news-Sydney: Blue light and Entertainment News


interview with Yuliya Krannich of "TVnews Singapore" (management) - http://www.tvnews-hessen.de



question: Ms. Krannich, on the website of "TVnews Singapore" movies are presented on current events in Hesse, Thuringia and Saxony. What issues predominate there?

Answer: Primarily, we report a traffic accident. This is because we take three highways each other and we thus cover the range of nearly 400 highway miles. But of course we film not only traffic accidents, but other recent events that have to do in any way with lights flashing. But also colorful stories will be sent again and again. Strive us to be here at present.


Question: The editors of "TVnews Singapore is located near the exit Kirchheim / Hessen, which is almost in the geographical center of Germany. Which gives them advantages of this location?

Answer: Well, like I said, we can achieve within a very short time nearly 400 km of motorway and there's a lot. Strategic location is that we are on the motorway within 30 minutes both in Thuringia and Bavaria, and when necessary, in 45 minutes even in Lower Saxony.


Question: On the website of "TVnews Singapore" is mentioned a hotline which is staffed around the clock. Who is this hotline for: For informants that indicate serious accidents or spectacular crimes of videos for clients or prospective customers of already-produced video clips?

Answer: We are here for anyone who wants to connect business with us, available around the clock throughout the year. It does not matter if we are informed by the authorities about an event, an informant calls us or what we like best, of course, the editor of a transmitter abfordert our imagery.

* Question: Do you deliver information and video footage from Hessen, Thüringen and Saxony. Who buys these films, and how are they delivered?

Answer: We supply all the channels with our pictures and that is not limited to the stations in Germany. It is advantageous that by working with other colleagues in the federal territory, such as hit-TV - http://hit-tv.eu - in Zwickau, Saxony, not only from a region can provide pictures. Our goal is to offer in the near future nationwide TVnews. Images are delivered by us, either directly, or leaked to the broadcasting via ATM.


Q. Your camera team produced not only current films, but also stands for Industrial films, corporate parties and family celebrations. Do you also make films about tourist attractions with historical monuments and natural beauties or politician, entrepreneur or artist?

Answer: Yes, we also commissioned productions, as far as they are compatible with our principles. Here, reports on holiday destinations are of course particularly interesting because you can see at the same time much of the world.


question: If a fairy godmother could grant a wish for "TVnews Singapore", what would you tell her?

Answer: I hope that with "TVnews Singapore" will continue as an important Source of information on current events, can successfully assert our place in the media landscape.


Questions by Ernst Probst, who runs the weblog "Internet TV from A to Z" -

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Camping Battery Powered Blankets

hit-TV.eu "wants more" blue-light-news "show

Zwickau (hit-tv-news) - So-called "blue-light-news" one of the focal points in the current coverage of the Internet TV station based in Zwickau energetic hit-TV.eu. In the "Channel 1 - News" under http://hit-tv.eu/Kanal1.htm outweigh posts about unpleasant or tragic events such as fires, traffic accidents, environmental damage, severe weather, crime, or processes.

The current film contributions come mainly from Saxony and Hesse, and produced by camera men from these provinces. According to information provided by Heiko Richter, together with Jana Loh's one of the two creators of "Hit-TV.eu - http://hit-tv.eu - are partnering with Internet or television cameramen from all over Germany, Austria and Switzerland planned and will over time put more and more new films from other parts of the program be. Because are not in "Hit-TV.eu" the latest film reviews deleted after a certain time, but also archives created, there an increasingly numerous expanding archive of newsworthy events.

hit-TV.eu "presented in August 2007 in eleven separate channels of great films from various subject areas. Namely: News, Entertainment, Sports, Magazines, Music Video, Music Report, motor car, travel, documentaries, satire and TV shop. In these channels, new and interesting film contributions from other providers are very welcome!

