Sunday, April 23, 2006

Best Seats Edinburgh Playhouse

"Politics and the Gospel" Idea interview after re-election to the Grand Council in April 2006

What have you lost in the Berne Town Hall as a pastor?
Corporate Citizenship heard in my understanding of God's kingdom Fundamental to the Christian mission. No matter where we are held up professionally, we should make the values of the Kingdom of God visible. And because I was obviously equipped with appropriate skills, has opened this door for me into politics. I have not actively sought, but today I am happy that I along with my duties in the church this foothold in the secular world.

Where to find the biblical legitimacy of your Grand Council mandate?
all my great heroes of the Old Testament were fantastic politician. Have a look at a Moses or a Joshua! Or David and Solomon. They had to solve incredible challenges, and one could not even seem to speak well ... It does so also for the policy, no perfect people.

If there are not separate church and state more consistently?
I would be really nice, and I think that the development will go in the coming years in this direction. On the other hand, the official church still plays a positive and stabilizing influence in perhaps just our District. Since I see no reason to fight these active or limit.

prepared as in front of the pastor of a Grand Council meeting?
well exactly the same as everyone else. Man ordered times the pounds of paper, look what a particularly concerns or interests, and attempts to present the limited time set to address it. Right now I feel every time before the session still quite overwhelmed by the variety of topics, and suffer from the fact that you can not even with a lot of really solid deal. Since it is then just rely on the good team and the supplement.

What do you pray before meetings? respect
one hand for guidance and wisdom of the issues, but important to me is always the prayer for good matches on party lines. For I will always remember and be open for personal calls, and human needs.

is praying in the EPP group?
course. We begin each session with a short devotional and prayer. And to start each session with around 20 politicians of various parties to a short devotional in the Town Hall Chapel.

A church leader as party politicians: how people react to your community?
The town, of course, each with a fever and is pleased with my election. I suspect that the example of leadership and really encouraged other people to get involved politically. Be in the school committees, party executive boards etc. There are of course always in our internal political debates, and especially the possibility of electronic Choice of using "Smart Vote" has shown itself among the employees in the municipal office, the broad spectrum of political views. As the executive team, we have our preferences, but we also encourage people to politicize the case of other parties.

sit for 1 year in the Great Council What you have achieved in that time?
I was able to get a training period granted to the elections. But I could be safe for our group team already in some respects complementary, and bring me with my skills. In the future I would like even more concerned with health and family policy.
was in the wider community I work with a so-called educational brochure on homosexuality make a difference and prevent, and in this issue of education and school, I would also like the Grand Council still stay tuned.

helps you How the Gospel in politics?
Just like me the gospel in the profession as a doctor or in the community work orientation was, my relationship with Jesus now shapes my political work, my meetings, my conflicts, etc.

your last great political crisis of conscience?
The EPP supports the expansion of day schools, nurseries, maternity insurance, etc. I carry with the principle, but to me it is annoying to have this is intended only to working mothers. We would have to support families with children so that parents have real choices between employment with child care or whether they want to make the task of educating yourself fully.

Under which you have in politics the most?
That you should take a position on many issues, of which one actually has very little idea. Because I need more "courageous enough to leave.

When is guilty of a politician?
You always have the choice between honesty and authenticity, or facade. Politicians are under pressure to succeed and often make it sound that they had things under control. But usually know it much too little about the impact of their decisions. Dishonesty of any kind is a sin ...

EPP and EDU have increased greatly. How does this happen?
The social responsibility of Christians is increasingly becoming the subject and will be parties of the alliance and in the VFG communities largely undisputed. This leads to an awareness and an increased willingness to use the social design options as well. Moreover, the Christian scene are making better than the general population.

04.12.2006 / Andrea Vonlanthen have


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