Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Mandingo And The Wives

Männertag 2007

men risk the relationship adventures

950 men accepted our invitation to the 10th Männertag to Berne. They experienced a very honest and courage while dealing with the male-making relationship reality. Some youngsters, however presented after that date, the question whether it is the face of this reality at all worthwhile to get married ...
pictures and feedback, etc. on DVD-Order

that men can also fail in relation adventure was already clear in the first interview. Like a thread pulled, however, the message through the day that a new beginning is always possible. Was cited as Proverbs 24.16: "For the righteous falls seven times, and is back on ..."

Bern's psychologist and marriage therapist Dr. Manfred Engel showed how successful relationships. He wanted to take away the men and pressure. "We need male models to learn how we can stand as men in relationships. I may be to what I really am! "We would have to learn not something that we overwhelmed, but simply grow into what we really are.
Engel also spoke of the fears of men, and the unhelpful "typical male behavior patterns." We have a huge privilege but as men, because God had decided to give us in Jesus a model for the male side of his nature. From him we could learn.

showed Dr. Engel on the basis of different concepts visual, which enhances our ability to relate. On the basis of the "triangle relationship," he pointed out the influence that the dependence of God on our interpersonal relations and the relationship to ourselves. We were created as relational beings, and therefore there is no freedom in the sense of independence. Freedom means dependence on God. Who should learn it, with its expectations not more than other people ask how often this happens in relationships. Of particular note was in the process that everything negative, frustrated expectations, injuries, etc. "over the top" sent, instead of being played as in Ping Pong to the human counterparts. This is like a divine work for the wastewater treatment plant of our relations.

The men were also well trained muscles Lach home. Because the contributions of the "professional survival advice and encouragement" John Warth were brilliant. His Wordplay stuck. Men are often to-handset, would be opened so confident and even hear. He illustrated on the flip chart, can be FRUSTRATING as if by a small minus sign from the English word TRUST (trust) is the word. And he told the men the meaning of the word "rejoice". Be glad to lure others, while many more men at home "expelling bad" impacts.

The day offered a vast wealth of inspiration and creative impressions, and therefore it was important for us to have a personal reaction time. John Warth should take it. He won two brave men on the stage. Front of a very right, and another from the rear left. This should now change places, so that the "order-making" was performed surprisingly easy. A benefit for men who want simple solutions ...

Engeli Manfred was, of course, ran a little different to the cause. He urged the men to ask God first time that small steps are now tuned for them. For many would have the tendency to overwhelm with lofty goals. On the other hand, have God for his children a kind of huge department store, where we always expected to pick up generous that what is on it and we needed.

Wilf Gasser


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